Search Results
July 25, 2022: Dangerousness Roundtable
April 20, 2022: Dangerousness and SEVM Legislation Roundtable
June 6, 2022: Dangerousness and SEVM Legislation Roundtable
December 15, 2021: Public Safety Roundtable
Governor Baker's dangerousness bill sent to study
VIDEO NOW: Gov. Baker, Mass. officials roundtable on efforts to protect survivors of violent crimes.
Risk & Violence: Offering a New Paradigm for Public Safety | Drug Researchers' Roundtable
July 26, 2022: CROWN Act Bill Signing
Gov. Baker Pushes To Expand Need For Dangerousness Hearings After Violent Crimes
Activists clamor for Baker to sign climate bill
State legislature moves to close important loophole
July 28, 2022: FY23 Budget Signing